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What's Available?

What's available for order or stocked in the farmstand changes as the seasons evolve. Below is an inexact list of the types of things that are in season through the year. Our Instagram and Facebook pages are the best places to see what we're harvesting right now.


Ice and darkness are the harvest at this time of year. This is a great time to pre-order storage crops to get you through next year's winter. Honey is available for order. Egg supply is limited to subscribers, but increases as the days get longer, so excess may become available to order.


Eggs. Honey. Sunchokes (Jerusalem artichoke). Sometimes Asparagus later in the month.

Order your bare-root strawberry crowns for planting.


All month: ASPARAGUS!!! Spring salad mix. Radishes. Eggs. Honey.

Late month: Seedlings. Peas. Endive.

Herbs: Chives. Garlic Chives. Thyme. Oregano. Sage. Cilantro. Dill. Savory. Sorrel.


Endive. Lettuce. Salad mix. Peas. Radishes. Last of the asparagus. Kale. Swiss Chard. Eggs. Honey. 

Herbs: Lovage. Sorrel. Chives. Garlic Chives. Thyme. Oregano. Sage. Cilantro. Dill. Savory.


Cherry tomatoes. New potatoes. Carrots. Beets. Onions. Zucchini. Beans (snap & shelling). Garlic scapes. Kale. Swiss Chard. Lettuce. Salad mix. Radishes. Eggs. Honey.

Herbs: Basil. Thai Basil. Parsley. Lemon Balm. Mint. Anise Hyssop. Lavender. Thyme. Oregano. Sage. Cilantro. Dill. Savory.


Garlic. Apples. Edamame. Peppers. Tomatoes. Potatoes. Eggplant. Carrots. Beets. Zucchini. Beans (snap & shelling).  Kale. Swiss Chard. Salad mix. Radishes. Eggs. Honey. 

Herbs: Basil. Thai Basil. Parsley. Lemon Balm. Mint. Anise Hyssop. Lavender. Garlic Chives. Thyme. Oregano. Sage. Dill Seed. Savory.


Peppers. Garlic. Squash. Tomatoes. Eggplant. Carrots. Beets. Zucchini. Beans (snap). Kale. Swiss Chard. Garlic scapes. Lettuce. Salad mix. Radishes. Eggs. Honey. 

Herbs: Lovage. Basil. Thai Basil. Parsley. Lemon Balm. Mint. Anise Hyssop. Lavender. Chives. Garlic Chives. Thyme. Oregano. Sage. Savory.


Storage crops: Rutabega. Cabbage. Radish. Beets. Carrots. Potatoes. Squash. Pumpkins. Garlic. Honey.

Fresh: Radicchio. Kale. Swiss Chard. Broccoli. Brussels Sprouts. Bok Choi. Salad greens. 

Herbs: Thanksgiving stuffing bundles. Turkey soup bundles. Tea blends. Parsley. Anise Hyssop. Chives. Garlic Chives. Thyme. Oregano. Sage. Savory.

Sometimes: Tomatoes. Eggplant. Peppers. Beans (snap).

Eggs on a waiting list while the chickens are moulting.


Storage crops: Rutabega. Cabbage. Beets. Potatoes. Squash. Pumpkins. Garlic. Honey.

Dried Herbs: Christmas turkey bundles. Turkey soup bundles. Sage. Thyme. Mint. Lemon Balm. Savory. Oregano.

Eggs on a waiting list while the chickens are moulting.

The land we care for is located in the traditional territories of the Anishnabek, Huron-Wendat, and  Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) nations. This territory is covered by the Williams Treaties. We are committed to doing our best to become indigenous to this place.

© Arcadia Permaculture

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